Yoga Motivation for Beginners. 3-Step-Easy Formula for Yoga Everyday

How to show up on your yoga mat consistently?

Simer Dhume


Yoga Motivation for Beginners. 3-Step-Easy Formula for Yoga Everyday
Photo by Dane Wetton on Unsplash

Are you a beginner struggling to keep up with your daily yoga practice?

Learn these amazing 3 secrets to building a consistent yoga practice. ‘Yoga motivation for Beginners. 3-step-easy Formula for yoga everyday’ is for you.

Research shows a vast majority of people vow to make yoga a consistent practice, but 90% of them fail to follow through.

It’s true. I understand life happens, things come up, or there are days you feel unmotivated to hit your yoga mat. Therefore, to help you find realistic goals to practice yoga 6 days a week, I am sharing this 3-step-simple formula, the secret to my success at making yoga a daily practice.

I have been practicing yoga consistently for a year now. Let’s find out the secret to my success story.

What really helped me achieve my goal?

I overcame these 3 common roadblocks that hindered me from reaching my full yoga potential. These are…

  • No time ❎
  • No motivation ❎
  • A lack of visible result ❎

➡️What did I do instead — I changed them into

  • Save time✅
  • Stay motivated ✅
  • See results ✅

➡️ Leading to an ever-lasting yoga habit

Photo by Alex Shaw on Unsplash

Are you ready to change your mindset for a better life?

Because I know how powerful it is to be on the yoga mat each day, whether you want to achieve more flexibility and physical strength, master those yoga poses, or want to practice yoga to feel good inside out.

Let’s dive straight into these 3 secrets that have been a game-changer in my yoga practice…

Secret #1 Save Time

How to create a life-changing yoga habit even if you have no time

In simple words, how to put yoga into your life? As a mother finding time for myself has been a challenge. Real challenge.

Then one day, I sat on the couch exhausted and feeling defeated at constantly failing to take care of my physical health and mental well-being. It is often in despair that you find the solution to the problem.

In a flashback to my days as a tennis player, I recalled a vital lesson I learned as a player.

There were days when I could not put in long hours of practice on the tennis court. What did I do instead? I showed up for an hour no matter what.

I applied the same formula to my yoga practice — I showed up at my mat every day for 15–30 minutes instead of aiming for a 1-hour yoga session.

Kino Macgregor, yoga instructor and founder of Omstars — the world’s first yoga TV network, says, “2 minutes of yoga practice each day can help you build that momentum. It helps you create the routine, behavior, and mindset that will lead to a successful yoga habit.”

Pro tip — Choose an easy digestible plan per day to build success.

Here’s a practical example…

Start yoga today by aiming for 2 minutes and gradually increasing your practice to 10 minutes. In a few days, without realizing it, you will be able to practice for 15–20 minutes. Slowly, making it to 30 minutes and overtime 1 hour.

On hectic workdays, instead of skipping yoga, your mind will remind you — hey, you can do it for 2 minutes. So, you’ll squeeze those 2 minutes into your lunch break or might do it first thing in the morning. Hence, creating a snowball effect.

That’s how easy it is to build consistency. 😎

Secret #2 Stay motivated

Yoga motivation for Beginners. 3-step-easy Formula for yoga everyday
Photo by Alex Shaw on Unsplash

How to always stay motivated and never skip yoga

Even on bad, low-energy days. When the voice of self-doubts clouds your mind. When you can think of a thousand excuses to not spend 2 minutes on your yoga mat. What does it take to stay motivated on those tough days?

  • Create an environment that facilitates your yoga practice — I give myself self-appreciation tokens for finding the motivation to practice yoga that day. For example, I treat myself to an espresso shot to get a caffeine boost before my session or eat a protein bar to keep it healthy.
  • In addition, I eliminate the negative factors from my environment — noise especially.

Behavioral science says to cement a new habit into your daily routine, you need to make your practice more obvious and integrated into your everyday life.

Therefore, how to make your yoga practice more obvious and integrated into your daily life?

  • Set a clear time and place — by doing so, you are so much more likely to keep up your yoga routine. Because instead of overthinking and overplanning, you have an exact time and place where you will practice yoga. As you do it over and over again. It becomes a pattern. Science calls it the ‘Implementation pattern.’ Therefore, you’re exceedingly more likely to succeed.

For instance, the yoga corner in my tiny Manhattan apartment is my safe haven. Every evening I surrender myself to the practice of yoga. I love my yoga mat; I love the succulents I have strategically placed in that corner and the faint smell of the hibiscus.

  • Pave the way — to remove any obstacles that might hinder your yoga practice. If you practice yoga in the morning, make sure to have your yoga mat set on the floor and your clothes laid out so that you don’t have to think or plan. Just get going.

Pro tip —Get rid of your limiting beliefs. Remove your skepticism and believe in the process that is backed by science.

Secret #3 Find the Mistake

Yoga motivation for Beginners. 3-step-easy Formula for yoga everyday
Photo by Alex Shaw on Unsplash

The transformation secret (Find the mistake). What prevents you from reaching your goals?

Why do 93% of people fail to reach their goals? And how to prevent it from happening to you.

Remember, it’s not your fault.

You are not the only one who started a new yoga regime only to stop practicing it a few months later. At the heart of the issue, you did not see results.

Here’s what you need to do instead — you need a clear and realistic plan that depends on your level, form, and lifestyle. Because…

  • Without a plan, you won’t see progress.
  • The only way you’ll see results is if you practice with intention and purpose.
  • For example, if your goal is to become more flexible, you have to practice yoga forms to help you achieve flexibility. This is absolutely crucial to your success.

Set measurable goals ➡️See Real results ➡️ Transformational progress

Interesting fact: Your brain releases endorphins (happy hormone) when you achieve little success. Acknowledge when you feel a little more flexible; celebrate that success. Because it will help you stick through the tough times.

Pro tip — Now that you know the 3 secrets to making yoga a part of your daily regime, your job is to do it.


  • Follow an instructor you like and whose yoga practice resonates with you.
  • If you have never practiced yoga before or otherwise, I recommend joining a physical class. In the Pandemic, it’s best to join outdoor yoga classes.
  • It’s also important to practice with an instructor to master those yoga postures correctly, avoid injuries and gain full results.


Yoga is a timeless discipline that has benefits beyond your imagination. Don’t let any external or internal factors stop you from enjoying this ancient sport for a better lifestyle. Wherever you are in your yoga practice, I wish you luck.

By being consistent and eliminating the 3 roadblocks, you empower your yoga practice daily.



Simer Dhume

Mother to 2 babies👶👶| Holistic Health & Wellness Copywriter | Blogger | Passionate about Copywriting tips| Health&wellness |Personal Development