About Me — Simer Dhume

A mother, copywriter, blogger, and tennis coach. I don’t want to be perfect but play these myriad roles perfectly.

Simer Dhume
4 min readMar 30, 2022
Simer Dhume Instagram

Hi there!

I am Simer Dhume. 👋

I proudly wear the badge of a young mother of two.👼👼Becoming a mother is the best thing that has happened to me. Life has never been the same ever since I held my daughter ( my firstborn) in my arms. Some days can feel long and arduous, but my children give me indescribable happiness. They have filled a void I never knew existed before.

“I believe the choice to become a mother is the choice to become one of the greatest spiritual teachers there is.” — Oprah.

Let’s begin with my childhood.

I want to tell you about my childhood — it’s not ordinary. Growing up in India, I spent time on the tennis court from an early age (5 years). My love for the game came naturally as I saw my father coach other students. I knew I wanted to become a tennis player early on; it wasn’t easy — numerous hours of hard work on the court and juggling school and life.

But 15+ years of tennis life in India helped me achieve my dream of becoming a Nation Champion and playing College Tennis and shaped my personality in a way that I am proud of.


Multipotentiality is the state of having many exceptional talents, any one or more of which could make for an excellent career for that person.

Human beings have many different kinds of strengths. Navigating our strengths of character, talent, interest, and resources is essential. My interests extended beyond the tennis court, and I am thankful to my parents for always encouraging me to follow my heart.

I studied psychology in college, which was a great experience for understanding and exploring the human mind and its possibilities. I always identified myself as a behaviorist — belonging to the school of behavioral psychology. However, not alone but coupled with hard work and the right attitude, talent leads to success in any field.

Writing chose me, and I am so grateful.

I earned a Master’s in Journalism and worked for a few years in Public Relations. That’s how my love for writing evolved. I read a lot growing up and always carried books on the tennis tour. I did write for the college magazine, which meant I had the hidden talent to be a writer. But sometimes, it takes longer to recognize talent. Plus, writing is a skill, and a craft one needs to work on. It’s a journey I am enjoying a lot. Writing has become a habit similar to my two cups of cappuccino daily. :)

The adrenaline I experienced while working as a Public Relations professional was excellent. Working with Weber Shandwick India was a phenomenal experience as I got to work with some fantastic clients in the retail and finance sector. But I also knew I was not cut out for the media environment and realized this wasn’t my dream job.

Copywriter & blogger

But the fire to write remained with me. And I became a copywriter and blogger. I help holistic health and wellness entrepreneurs bring their unique products and services in front of their ideal client through:

1️⃣Website copy — Your website helps you build authority in your industry. I help write about page, home page, services, and landing page that capture your unique brand voice.

2️⃣Blog posts & articles — In the era of Al, it is so important to write original, unique blog posts and articles that engage and inform your audience. I help you write blogs on nutrition, fitness, mental health, self-care, and more.

3️⃣Email newsletters- A 2020 campaign monitor report found that the average click-to-open rate across industries is 14.3%. In the Wellness & Fitness industry, the open rate is 19.2%, with a click-to-open rate of 6.0%.

Let’s write engaging email newsletters that get open, read and drive engagement.

Tennis coach

Gravitating toward tennis coaching was a natural decision. When I am on the tennis court, I am the happiest person. Translating my knowledge of the game and sharing my love for the sport so loved in the United States Of America is mind-blowing. Visiting the U.S. Open is the highlight of the year.

My Medium Journey

I joined Medium in February 2022 and love writing on this platform. It’s become a family as I have met many like-minded, aspiring, and talented writers who inspire me daily. Furthermore, it’s a fantastic platform to read tons and tons of different articles.

Apart from making money vital to me, this space allows me to explore and grow as a writer. Join me on my journey as I share my writing with you.

In my articles, you will enjoy reading about writing tips, personal development, self-love, and self-care and mental health stories.

Read my top posts heretohere

Thank you so much for reading. If you like to connect with me, email me at simer.dhume@gmail.com or comment below. I did want to hear from you. :)

Take care.





Simer Dhume

Mother to 2 babies👶👶| Holistic Health & Wellness Copywriter | Blogger | Passionate about Copywriting tips| Health&wellness |Personal Development