100 Followers Today. I Say Thank You With a Pinch of Salt

Two months on Medium, I am grateful. But I also want to take the opportunity to connect with my reader — at a deeper, emotional level.

Simer Dhume
3 min readApr 2, 2022
100 Followers Today. I Say Thank You With a Pinch of Salt

Dear readers and future followers, thank you for making me reach the100 followers mark. Now I can start making some money through my writing. As I sit down to pen my gratitude for this accomplishment, my thoughts ponder — should I, as a writer, worry about gaining followers, or should I focus on writing?

Let’s begin with what I won’t say to my reader.

  • Follow me, and I will follow you back.
  • Like, highlight, and respond, and I will reciprocate your gesture.

Instead, I would like to say to you all.

  • I write engaging, informative, and actionable content for my reader.
  • Yes, online writing is different than print and magazine. I am exploring and learning SEO optimization for content visibility.
  • You can help me find my voice. How? Read the next point.
  • Please take a few minutes to enjoy my articles and share your thoughts in the comment section if you are following me.
  • Let’s engage with each other, as Medium is an excellent place for writers to learn and grow.

Further, I take the opportunity to share the work of two Medium writers whose recent posts have added value to my writing and inspired me as a writer.


Scot Butwell

In his article ‘The One Thing Most New Writers Don’t Understand About Medium,’ published in New Writers Welcome, Butwell shares a crucial insight with the reader.

Medium isn’t a writing platform. It’s a reading platform.

This is an eye-opener as it changes the playfield altogether. Therefore, I ask myself one question —

  • What does my reader want to read?
  • This affects what I want to write and how I should tell my stories in the future.
  • I highly recommend the article to my readers.



Her article, ‘Life Experience Writers Have a Lot to Teach Us. Don’t Undermine Their Powerful Voices,’ Carmellita implores readers to ‘Put some respect in life experience writers’ work.’

  • ‘Life experience writers master the art of storytelling through self-expression, relatability, vulnerability, and passion.’
  • ‘It takes vulnerability to write from this perspective, and it’s more binge-worthy than a new Netflix series,’ says Carmellita.
  • The beauty of life experience writing — it’s a powerful way of forming a real connection with your audience.

Would you give ‘Life Experience writing’ a try?

In his article “New Online Writers, Don’t Waste the Enormous Advantages of Your Ignorance and Your Enthusiasm,” one of the most popular writers on Medium, David Ferris, gives excellent advice to new online writers. He says, “Be yourself — you are unique, therefore, being yourself makes your writing original.”

My takeaway from the article — is to use my uniqueness, trust my intuition and convert it into my writing brand.


I am ready to carve my path. Step-by-step build my audience who would like to come back to read my content. I am here to create content that reaches my audience’s audience.

You’ve got to read my top stories. Click the link below.

 Slap a clap now!



Simer Dhume
Simer Dhume

Written by Simer Dhume

Mother to 2 babies👶👶| Holistic Health & Wellness Copywriter | Blogger | Passionate about Copywriting tips| Health&wellness |Personal Development

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